
來源:  |  發(fā)表于:07-11  |  瀏覽次數(shù):0




  Ciamite材料工藝設備、分析測試及科學器材和實驗室設備展從2008年起同C-MRS中國材料大會一起舉辦至今,從最初20幾家參展企業(yè)到發(fā)展到2018年的180多家參展商,已經(jīng)成為國內(nèi)不可替代的材料科技展覽會,同時也成為C-MRS大會注冊代表一年一度的采購平臺。 CIAMITE2019 參展商數(shù)量將超過220家,展覽面積逾12000平方米。

  Ciamite Material Processing Equipment, Analytical Testing and Scientific Equipment and Laboratory Equipment Exhibition has been held since 2008 together with C-MRS China Material Con- gress. From more than 20 exhibitors to 180 + exhibitors in 2018, it has become the largest exhibition of materials science and tech- nology in China, and also an annual procurement platform for reg- istered representatives of C-MRS conferences. The number of exhibitors in Ciamite 2019 is expected to exceed 220, with an exhibition area of more than 12,000 square meters.



為何選擇參展 Ciamite 2019?

  ★ 同期材料大會8,000+材料科研領域注冊代表

  ★ 12,000+平米展示面積

  ★ 220+知名材質(zhì)分析領域展商齊聚

  ★ 聚焦材料科研領域分析測試、實驗室科技與質(zhì)量控制

  ★ 各個方位海內(nèi)外渠道營銷,線上與線下共同造勢

  ★ 20,000人次材料科研、應用產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈海內(nèi)外專業(yè)買家出席

  ★ 業(yè)界新出、專業(yè)的學術(shù)科研報告會超過50場

  ★ 8+材料技術(shù)主題會議及活動聯(lián)動:獨特路線參觀、行業(yè)培訓、現(xiàn)場論壇、高端訪談、賽事……

  ★ 良好的品牌效應,是材料屆人士了解國內(nèi)外新材料技術(shù)及市場動態(tài)不容錯過的途徑

  ★ B2B網(wǎng)絡增值服務:Ciamite.COM,提供全天候、一站式營銷解決方案。



  Gorgeous Concurrent Events

  Leading Experts, Decision Makers, Valuable Sharing


  In the annual gathering of authoritative people in the field of materials research, you can do marketing and product sales, but also through technical reports, branch exchanges and other means of in-depth communication with front-line researchers to understand their needs, improve product competitiveness.